From the category archives:

Brainy Stuff

visual language of dashed lines

The dashed line is exquisitely rich with information. A line formed from a continuous series of dashes is diminished in strength when compared to a solid line, yet in terms of visual language, it is just as powerful. The weakness of the dashed line is it’s strength.

visual language of facial expressions

Like many people, I’ve always had an aesthetic aversion to the yellow smiley face. Not only did I find it visually unappealing, but due to overuse I thought of the smiley as a trite visual cliché. But that was the old me.

Interactions are an important part of website design because they engage the user at a deep level. The act of getting physically involved (even if it’s just a mouse click or gesture) can potentially improve cognitive performance. Evidence that the body is intricately tied up with the mind is showing up throughout cognitive research. This […]

Post image for Understanding Presentation Graphics

Although this piece of news could shock anyone involved in visual communication, I’ll say it anyway. It’s time to realize that audiences do not attend a presentation because of the slides. They attend because they want to hear what the speaker has to say.

Post image for How to Improve the Appeal of Your Graphics

If you’re interested in improving the positive appeal of your visual communications, then you may want to understand how to make them more fluent.

how to avoid split attention

We humans are at the mercy of a phenomenon called the split-attention effect. Many conventional information graphics, animations, visualizations and multimedia presentations demand that viewers simultaneously split their attention between divergent sources of information.